Cycle 2 test week


Cycle 2 test week

Unrated – Level 3

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2 rounds

10 snatch grip deadlifts

8 snatch grip high pulls

6 muscle snatch

4 snatch grip push press

2 5 sec pausing over head squats

100m run out/back pedal back in


Thoracic wall ball stretch


Snatch (10 minutes to find 1 rep max squat snatch )

If you struggle with the bottom position, stay light and find your best squat for the snatch. Even if you have to sacrifice your overall number. Look for your best squat snatch with your best depth, not with what you can pull overhead. Perfect time to rebuild your movement.


2019 misfit cycle 2 day 1 (Time)

5 Rounds

10 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

8 Minute Cap

*More Options:

Lighter Power Snatch

Shorter Box Jumps or Step Overs